It seems like everything that goes on today is temporary. Jobs are temporary, friendships are temporary, even relationships are temporary. It makes me sick. Sometimes we cannot help it; people move, relationships change, decisions get made, you get let go at your job, or you simply find a better one. We as people probably have a valid excuse for why we make things so temporary. One thing that I have noticed while attending Bible College is that relationships with friends can be hard. People come and people go. Some graduate, others have theology shifts, and some just never come back.
There are some factors that play into this. Money can play a huge roll in ones ability to come back. Health plays a role in the ability to stay. Myself personally, I have not been as out and open. I have gone back to shutting people out, avoiding people, I have resorted to hiding myself under piles and piles of homework to leave no time for people. On top of that I am starting to get in the swing of things in the IT department, that takes up more time as well.
As I look at the things I have done I start to realize just how stupid I am! These things are only temporary because I allow them to be. I spend to much time being afraid or afraid of getting hurt that I just issolate myself. What other possible reason can I have beside this? As Christians we are called to have fellowship with one another. If I sit and isolate myself, how can I possibly fellowship with my fellow Christians? x