I pulled out my bow today. I came home early from work because it was
originally my day off. After doing my usual things of laundry and
dishes I decided to do something. What that something was I did not
know. Eventually, I decided that I was going to clean the laundry
room and sweep the floors so it looked like I at least did something
around the house before I went back to town to pick up my Mum. After
doing that it was time to go get her. As I was driving back home, I
began to think of some of the things I had done last summer. Having
just rained my plans for a run got shot. Due to the rain the
temperature jumped ten degrees and made it sticky humid. I came home
did my usual chores of feeding the dogs, the chickens, the horses,
and the rabbit. I then came in looked at the clock and
frowned....7:30. I still had five to seven more hours before the
thought of sleep even crossed my mind. Looking across my room I
caught a glimpse of an orange and white wing. Thinking back to one of
my conversations I had today I remembered asking if the said person
liked archery.
Archery... I do not remember exactly when I had first picked up the
bow, I just know that when I did something about it just seemed
right. I got my first bow in fifth grade, I shot it for a while as
pass time a way to keep my mind off of things, kind of like running.
The idea of something so simple as pulling back a string fascinated
me and allowed myself to take focus off of what was bothering me.
Around eighth grade I invested a lot of time into shooting. I would
get done with my run and go right into archery shooting until the sun
went down which would have been a half hour maybe an hour. Freshman
year we did an archery unit in class, it was the one time I was like
“Hey....I can do something better than some of these people that
can play every sport under the sun.” It also happened to be the
shortest unit and I missed half of it due to my caved in rib cage.
So you might be asking why does this matter...you used to shoot
archery...that's cool....get on with it...you're boring me...why am I
still reading this? My question is...Why are you still reading this?
Do you have hopes of it getting better? Are you waiting to see if I
did something cool?
Okay..okay...I shall get on with it. I decided that I would pull out
my bow today. Now if I remember correctly, the last time that I shot
was about a year ago. I learned something today. I learned that if
you do not practice on a regular basis...your skills that you worked
so hard to achieve and be good at....go down the drain. I had the
expectations of sending that arrow right through the center and I
did. The center of the hay bale...two bales over. Yeah...so
discouraged from the start I was like “Dag yo....I suck” I stayed
outside for the next two hours shooting the same two arrows over and
over and over again until finally the sun went down. As I walked up
the house I began to reflect over what I had just done. I was already
thinking of what I could change, what I could do to get better again.
The solution...practice, it's what I did before.
Even now while typing this, I begin to wonder how does this apply to
our spiritual life. In our daily lives we have a target. That target
could be anything: telling that lad/lass you like them, finishing an
assignment, throwing away your last pack of cigarettes, making it
through the day, putting a smile on someones face...ect. We start out
ready and aimed at the target, bulls-eye, dead center and then we
stumble. We become afraid, we don’t pull back far enough on the
string, we worry about what might happen if we do something wrong, if
we fall short.
Let me fill you in here on some things that could happen while
shooting if you do those things. Fear distracts you, it will take
your mind off focus and cause you to stumble and miss your target or
possibly hurt yourself (explain that in a bit). Pulling back, if you
do not pull back far enough, your arrow will still travel, just not
as far as it potentially could and make you miss the target, or you
could hit, but it would bounce off. Worry. If you spend to much time
worrying about what might happen if you do something wrong, you could
end up getting burned. (this is “a bit”) By worrying about bigger
things you are more apt to miss the smaller things like to keep the
arm holding the bow slightly bent so you do not burn your arm when
you release the arrow.
In our spiritual lives we set goals as well. Holding back in this
could do some serious damage. It could prevent you from sharing the
gospel with someone who may need to hear it. Or if you start to, but
back away because they have a question to hard for you to answer at
the time or they disagree on something. Don't give up, God put you in
that position for a reason, we learn to grow through trial. Satan
tries to interfere with our lives, he puts obstacles in our way,
distractions, things that may scare us. We as Christians need to stay
focused on what is true, just, right, and pure (Philippians 4:8),
“Fight the good fight” as stated in II Timothy 4:7 and “Go..”
as we are called in Matthew 28:19-20. x
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